Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological evaluation is not a set of particular test measures. It is the use of tests and techniques by someone with highly specialized knowledge to assess detailed aspects of thinking and cognition. Whether your concerns are related to classroom learning, the effects of a neurological condition or injury, or worries about memory problems, our skilled and highly experienced team can help provide answers and direction.
"The brain is conceded to be the master organ of the body, the regulator of life, the source of human progress." - Frederick Tilney
Learning Differences
The importance of cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and reasoning, has been increasingly recognized by experts in learning disability research.

Neurological Injuries
Damage to brain regions can be caused by many things including head injuries, disruption of oxygen supply, and cerebrovascular events such as stroke, arterial-venous malformations (AVMs), and aneurysms.

Static and Progressive Conditions
Static brain conditions include diagnoses like encephalopathy. Static conditions are not expected to worsen. Progressive conditions produce more symptoms over time. Neuropsychological evaluation can measure baseline cognitive abilities to aid in monitoring these conditions over time. Examples include:
Congenital conditions that occur in the womb or in the course of development
demyelinating conditions such as multiple sclerosis

Memory Problems
Memory failures are common. Stress, anxiety, and depression are often responsible for us being forgetful. We also experience some changes in memory through normal aging. However, some memory problems have a neurological basis that warrants neuropsychological evaluation and medical treatment.

PreSurgical Clearance & PostSurgical Followup
Many surgical procedures require pre-surgical evaluation to identify factors that might interfere with patient readiness or post-surgical outcome. Obtaining a baseline of neurocognitive functioning before surgery, followed by periodic reassessment after surgery, is important to an overall treatment plan. We provide evaluations for a number of surgical procedures including deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Alzheimer's and Dementia
Early identification and treatment of dementia such as Alzheimer's or frontal-temporal dementia can slow the progression of the disease. Currently, there is no cure. Quality of life can be enhanced by the recommendations that can come from assessment.